
Showing posts from August, 2022

Getting Positive, Letting Out the Negative

Twenty-two years ago, two parallel lines on the pregnancy test kit brought the greatest excitement in my life.  A week ago, two parallel lines on a test kit brought shivers to my senses.  The fear of Covid set in momentarily.  However, I did not let fear overwhelm me because doing so would prevent me from thinking rationally.  I was transformed back to a prayerful state because I am always confident that the power of prayer counts a lot. However, prayer should be attenuated with positivity and toughness of mind. Of course, I do not discount the possibility of the severity of the disease but knowing that I am fully vaccinated and boosted, I will not suffer much.  I monitored my body temperature which has been on the rise for three days and I  closely monitored my oxygen saturation.  I had also steam inhalation to soothe my stuffy nose and had a regular gargle and took  more water and juices, managed to eat well, and I got more sleep. I also had my regular dose of online masses and praye