
Showing posts from June, 2021


  The past few weeks have been so grueling. FB posts and messages are flooded with "Condolences", "Rest in Peace", "Get Well Soonest", "Praying for Your Fast Healing and Recovery, and many others that seem to blow one's sanity in the midst of rising Covid cases in the city. It is just easy to say "Be Strong!"   But once the family faces the stark reality of the infection, things seem to fall out of place. Reality bites when one undergoes quarantine or voluntary isolation because of a close contact with an infected person. Mind you, it sends shivers to the bones and racing heart beat. The mind is bombarded with a lot of “what ifs?”.   The agony of waiting and monitoring bodily changes for ten days is enough to make you paranoid. The fear and anxiety escalate even more when a family member is brought to the hospital with no assurance that he/she can go back home or is brought to a "new home". Sadder than sad is when that fa